Samantha On Her Work Experience

Studio time with Kane FM

I came to Kane FM for work experience from Kings College. I have learnt a lot since being here, about radio studio equipment and the sound levels of a live broadcast having to be between 4 and 5. I’ve also learnt how to use a launchpad and produced a piece of music by using this — it creates a number of different beats and sounds.

Learning skills and building confidence

Mixing using Virtual DJ involved matching different beats and fading two songs together. I took part live on Kane FM and introduced some tracks and lined up the music for the whole two-hour show. I found out about the bpm (beats per minute) for certain tracks in certain genres. At first I was really nervous, but this experience built up my confidence dramatically and has helped me so much. I came to Kane FM last October and I have met many wonderful, supportive people. I am currently working towards my Explore Arts Award. I have definitely enjoyed my time at Kane and it has inspired me so much that I am now definitely thinking of going on to college.

Written by Samantha Jones, Kings College
Kane Youth Projects is sponsored by Project Aspire, The High Sheriff and Guildford Borough Council